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Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon – Magic Items

My son and daughter are starting to watch the Dungeons & Dragons Animated Series with me.  You know the awesome cartoon that came out in the early 80’s, and I have to say I actually laughed with them when the magician was asked cast a light spell, and then from his hat he pulled out a very brightly lit birthday cake. Cute.

All those cool magic items the Dungeon Master gave out to the kids, bow, cloak, club, hat, javelin, shield, I think that those would be nice finds in a new campaign. But how would I do that? Each weapon had some very high powered effects. There are so many properties that I think some will have to be left off, so I first started doing a little research, and I see that I can get a lot of help from some other fan pages and Wikipedia.  Also, I found out that the 5 disc DVD collection contained the 3.5 edition stats for the kids, weapons, Venger, DM, etc., along with a short adventure designed by Matthew Sernett.

It’s all coming together nicely, but it’s all over the internet, so I then started compiling all the information that I found together. I want to use it with the new D&D 5th edition, so I’ll have to make some changes & additions, but that shouldn’t be too hard.  What I did start to quickly notice, was that from the 3.5e source and other information that I found is there is consensus on what the kids were given, and that they have the following classes:

  • Hank the Ranger – Ranger – Energy Bow
  • Eric the Cavalier – Fighter – Griffon Shield
  • Diana the Acrobat-  Monk – Javelin Staff
  • Presto the Magician – Wizard – Hat of Many Spells
  • Sheila the Thief – Rogue – Cloak of Invisibility
  • Bobby the Barbarian – Barbarian – Thunder Club

All of the weapons have a lot of powers, but as I read more of the information for the 3.5e stats from the DVD, it looks like everything was greatly simplified for use for a D&D adventure. I will take some of that information, and pull it together with other fan site collections for all of the magic items.

I took each item, added some detail to try and make them a complete description, and tried not to deviate too much from the previous work.  As each one of these Totems is a wondrous item, and we can say that each item requires attunement so that they all can’t be stacked together.  So here is the list of items with their descriptions.  I will gladly take any comments and make changes


Energy Bow

Simply drawing your fingers in the air near this finely crafted bow causes it to be strung with an arrow of glimmering energy

From the cartoon, the energy arrows fired from bow were typically not used to inflict direct ranged attack damage to a creature. Instead they were used for useful tasks: a line of arrows fired into a wall to create a makeshift ladder, the arrows used to scoop up a creature or item, and then return it back to the bow’s position, ropes, ladders, bridges, and other objects may be damaged to impede an enemy. The bow imparts the owner with a 19 dexterity.

The energy bow is cable of firing a maximum of five magic force arrows in a round that will impart 2d6 of force damage each, either at the same or up to 3 different targets. One arrow is used for each attack action (or possible bonus attack action) taken with the bow. If a character can only perform one action, then only one magic force arrow may be fired.

The energy bow is cable of giving light for as long as the bow is in a ready position by using both hands.  The bow sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet. Completely covering the bow with something opaque blocks the light. The light ends if you dismiss it by moving your off-hand away from the bow.

When held by a humanoid of good alignment, the bow imparts the abilities of a 7th level Ranger as long as you are attuned to the item. If a player has less than 7 levels, then the magic item will impart additional levels of this class to raise them to 7th level. If the player is 7th level or higher, then no additional class levels will be gained.


Griffon Shield

This golden shield bears the emblem of a white griffon’s head on a black circle. It hums with power in your hands.

The griffon shield is a +2 bashing shield that can be wielded one or two-handed as a melee weapon. If used for bashing it will impart 1d8 plus strength bludgeoning damage and may cause a creature to become prone. The shield will give the owner with a 19 in Constitution.

Prone: If a creature is a target for a shield bash and fails a Dexterity Saving throw against a DC 10+ strength + wisdom modifier, then it becomes prone and is forced to move 5 feet in a direction away from the attacker. That is only if there is an empty space for the creature to move. Force movement against a solid object causes 1d6 additional bludgeoning damage.

In addition, as an reaction the bearer can use the griffon shield to create a 10-foot diameter sphere of force like that produced by the Otiluke’s resilient sphere spell. This requires concentration.

The sphere is not subject to damage of any sort except from a rod of cancellation, a rod of negation, a disintegrate spell, or a targeted dispel magic spell. These effects destroy the sphere without harm to the subject. Nothing can pass through the sphere, inside or out, though the subject can breathe normally. The sphere cannot be physically moved by people outside it, but can be moved by the bearer of the shield.

The sphere effect must be centered on the bearer of the shield, and any creatures within the area except the bearer can make a DC 25 dexterity save, or be forced out to the nearest open square on a failure. This can be automatically saved if the bearer chooses to include other creatures inside the sphere.

The sphere effect can be dismissed by the bearer as a bonus action, but otherwise it lasts until the duration elapses. The griffon shield effect can be created for up to 5 turns each day. They do not have to be consecutive, but each activation always counts as at least 1 turn.

When carried by a humanoid of lawful alignment, the Griffon Shield imparts the abilities of a 7th level Fighter as long as you are attuned to the item. If a player has less than 7 levels, then the magic item will impart additional levels of this class to raise them to 7th level. If the player is 7th level or higher, then no additional class levels will be gained.


Javelin Staff

The long green staff seems to be made of solidified light. It feels light in the hands but has tremendous heft when swung.

The javelin staff has three forms: a 4 foot Javelin, 6 foot Staff, or 10 foot Pole. It grants the owner a 19 dexterity.

1. The Javelin form allows the weapon to be be thrown [1d6 piercing damage, Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)] with a bonus of +1 to hit and damage.

2. In staff form, the Javelin Staff may be used as a standard quarterstaff, either to bludgeon or trip opponents, with a bonus of +2 to hit and damage. Damage from a successful bashing attack is 1d8. Before the attack roll is made, the wielder may declare a trip attack instead, lowering potential damage to 1 bludgeoning damage, but causing the target to fall prone if a Dexterity Saving Throw is failed (DC 10+ strength + dexterity modifier). The DM may assign advantage or disadvantage based on the target’s size.

3. The weapon’s 10 foot pole form is not a weapon. The wielder is endowed with impressive acrobatic skills, listed below with their base percent chances of success.

Tightrope Walking.
By using the Javelin Staff as a balancing pole, the wielder can easily cross most tightropes and similar narrow edges.

Pole Vault. Dexterity Save DC 15
By making a 25 foot approach at full movement rate, the staff is used to aid in jumps for height, adding its length to the approximate height of the wielder to determine the total height of the jump; 13 feet for halflings, 14 feet for dwarves, 15 feet for elves, and 16 feet for humans. A successful dexterity ability check must be made, or the jumper fails to reach the full height, slamming into any obstacles (including walls, if trying to vault atop) and falling to the ground. Such a failed jump requires a Dexterity Save to avoid suffering 1d6 points of falling damage, and the javelin staff slips from grasp.

Parry Flurry.
While wielding the Javelin Staff, the character as an action may perform a series of defensive maneuvers that greatly reducing the chances of being hit by any enemies in melee. Doing so provides a temporary +5 bonus to the wielder’s Armor Class and grants advantage on all Dexterity saves until the start of the player’s next turn.

Top Ten Ten Foot Pole Uses:

  1. Getting the Halfling across pits by tying him to the end
  2. Levering a boulder down a hill towards Orcs
  3. Pushing the inept climbers from below to assist their climb.
  4. Poking the large dead creature to see if it’s really dead
  5. Fishing PC’s out of 10′ pit traps
  6. Opening chests and doors from a distance
  7. Moving raft, canoe, or rowboat across the river.
  8. Holding open a portcullis, drawbridge, or other large aperture closing doorway.
  9. Measuring depth of various bodies of water or other scary liquid
  10. Triggering floor traps

When carried by a humanoid of good alignment, the Javelin Staff imparts the abilities of a 7th level Monk as long as you are attuned to the item. If a player has less than 7 levels, then the magic item will impart additional levels of this class to raise them to 7th level. If the player is 7th level or higher, then no additional class levels will be gained.


Hat of Many Spells

This floppy, pointed green hat doesn’t look like much, but when you open it, its interior glows with mystic power.

The Hat of Many Spells acts as a rod of wonder and can be activated as a standard action when held (which does not provoke attacks of opportunity). It also grants the owner a 19 intelligence.

It also automatically contains any material component needed, up to a 1,000 gp value, for any spell that is cast. The player need only put his hand into his hat like he might do to draw components from a spell component pouch. Such components last until the start of the players next turn, or will vanish from the player’s hand and return to the hat. This will enable the caster to ready a spell as a reaction.

In addition, the Hat of Many Spells can empower a prepared spell that is being cast.  All melee or ranged attack spells are cast at advantage, and saving throws by creatures to avoid effects are done at disadvantage.  Or the Hat of Many Spells can be used to cast a spell from the caster’s spell book that was not prepared. This spell is cast in the place of one that has been prepared. The prepared spell that is being replaced must be the same or higher level and then becomes unprepared.

Whenever the Hat is used to empower or replace spells, the Hat of Many Spells will have unpredictable results. Whenever the Hat of Many Spells is used to empower a spell or switch it for one from his spell book, roll a d20. On a roll of 1 or 2, the spell is wasted, but two random wondrous effects happen instead. On a roll of 3 to 15, the spell takes effect as desired, but a wondrous effect happens as well. On a roll of 16 to 19, the spell is cast as desired. On a roll of 20, the spell takes effect and a wondrous effect is chosen.

This is a listing of Wondrous Effects, and can be expanded upon or changed as the DM desires:

d%      Wondrous Effect
01-02   Roll 2 effects – both occur – ignore additional rolls of 01, and roll again.
03–05   Slow target creature for 10 rounds (Wisdom Save DC 15 negates).
06–08   Faerie Fire surrounds the target.
09–10   A 10 ft diameter, 10 ft deep hole opens under target up to 60 ft from the caster. Anyone caught in the area takes 1d6 falling damage. (Dexterity Save DC 15 avoids falling into hole)
11–13   Deludes wielder for 1 round into believing the hat functions as indicated by a second die roll (no save).
14-16 Mage Armor is cast on the wielder (5 hour duration)
17–20   All party members within 30 ft are benefited with a Haste spell (5 rounds)
21–25   Wielder learns target’s surface thoughts (as with detect thoughts) for 1d4 rounds (no save).
26–30   Stinking cloud at 30-ft. range (Wisdom Save DC 15 negates effects).
31–33   Heavy rain falls for 1 round in 60-ft. radius centered on rod wielder.
34–36   Summon an animal – a rhino (1 on d4), elephant (2), or mouse (4).
37–46   Lightning bolt (70 ft. long, 5 ft. wide), 6d6 damage (Dexterity Save DC 15 half).
47–49   Stream of 600 large butterflies pours forth and flutters around for 2 rounds, blinding everyone (including wielder) within 25 ft. (Dexterity Save DC 14 negates).
50–52   Enlarge person if within 60 ft. of rod (Constitution Save DC 13 negates).
53-54 A kobold Zombie (same as zombie in MM, but with 50 hp) digs itself up from the ground 15 ft in front of the wielder and attacks the closest living creature. The zombie will continue attacking until destroyed or all living creatures are dead.
55–58   Darkness, 30-ft.-diameter hemisphere, centered 30 ft. away from rod.
59–62   Grass grows in a 400 square foot area (20’x20′) before the caster, or grass existing there grows to ten times normal size.
63–65   Turn ethereal any nonliving object of up to 1,000 lb. mass and up to 30 cu. ft. in size.
66–69   An Apparatus of Kwalish is summoned to the location of the wielder and with him inside. Any creatures occupying the squares the Apparatus of Kwalish now inhabits is pushed back to empty squares. The wielder understands fully how to operate the Apparatus of Kwalish and is able to attack and move each round. It lasts for 1 hour or until destroyed.
70-72 A random creature within 30 feet is immediately poly-morphed into a random race (use reincarnation chart) for 2d4 weeks. This includes members of the party.
75–79   Fireball at target or 100 ft. straight ahead, 6d6 damage (Dexterity Save DC 15 half).
80–81   Invisibility on caster for 1 hour.
82-84 Wielder physically switches places with the closest party member (including all equipment, clothing, spell effects, etc.)
85–87   Leaves grow from target if within 60 ft. of caster. These last 24 hours.
88–89   40 gems, value 10 gp each, shoot forth in a 30-ft.-long stream. Each gem deals 1 point of damage to any creature in its path: Roll 5d4 for the number of hits and divide them among the available targets.
90-92 All portals and containers with a locking mechanism within 45 ft (windows, doors, chests, gates, satchels with latches, etc.) are locked with an Arcane Lock spell
93–95   Shimmering colors dance and play over a 40-ft.-by-30-ft. area in front of rod. Creatures therein are blinded for 1d6 rounds (Wisdom Save DC 15 negates).
96–97   Wielder (50% chance) or target (50% chance) turns permanently blue, green, or purple (no save). Back to normal if previously affected.
98-99    The wielder is bestowed with Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8 +5)
99   Flesh to stone (or stone to flesh if target is stone already) if target is within 60 ft. (Constitution Save DC 15 negates)
00 Wielder’s head grows two times the size of normal for 1d6 days and receives disadvantage on Dexterity skill checks and dexterity saves due to “top-heaviness” for the duration (no save).

When carried by a humanoid with an intelligence of 16 or greater, the Hat of Many Spells imparts the abilities of a 7th level Wizard as long as you are attuned to the item. If a player has less than 7 levels, then the magic item will impart additional levels of this class to raise them to 7th level. If the player is 7th level or higher, then no additional class levels will be gained.


Cloak of Invisibility

This purple cloak seems sheer at times and opaque at others. It is soft to the touch and light as a feather.

This cloak grants the wearer a 19 dexterity. Also, when the wearer of this cloak pull up the hood and the cloak is gather around their body, they become Invisible (as the spell). This condition will last as long as the hood and cloak are worn in this manner.  The wearer may move and make sounds normally without interfering with the cloak’s magic, but if the wearer makes a melee or ranged attack, or takes any damage from an attack, the wearer becomes visible and may not activate the cloak again for 1d4 rounds.

In addition, once per day the wearer may invoke the cloak’s real power, becoming not only invisible, but also Silent for up to 10 minutes. For the duration, no sound can be created within or pass through the cloak. The wearer is immune to thunder damage, but the wearer can still hear while wearing the cloak.  The wearer is completely undetectable by any mortal sense other than touch. This effect is subject to the restrictions for combat participation as the invisibility power. The wearer may of course also discontinue the power at any time by taking the hood off.

When carried by a humanoid with a dexterity of 16 or greater, the Cloak of Invisibility imparts the abilities of a 7th level Rogue as long as you are attuned to the item. If a player has less than 7 levels, then the magic item will impart additional levels of this class to raise them to 7th level. If the player is 7th level or higher, then no additional class levels will be gained.


Thunder Club

The thick wooden club seems like a little more than a log until you pick it up. When it’s in your hands, you feel as strong as a bull.

This heavy stout club can be used as a melee weapon, and does damage as a Great Club (1d8 bludgeoning) and 1d8 thunder damage, and must be wielded with two hands. Although the wielder is granted a +2 chance to hit in combat and grants the wielder 19 strength, the club cannot make a critical hit against a creature.  This is because the club is not truly intended as a weapon for bludgeoning other creatures.

When used to attack doors, walls, and other inanimate objects, the Thunder Club automatically does critical damage.

Thunder Clap. In addition, three times per day the Thunder Club may be struck on the ground as the wielder shouts out a suitable war cry, invoking an effect similar to that of a Horn of Blasting. Creatures caught in the resulting tremor (a 100 ft long cone, 20 ft wide at the far end) take no damage but must DC 15 Dexterity Save or be knocked down. Structures caught in the tremor suffer 30 points of sonic damage. Crystalline objects take 100 points of sonic damage.  Performing a Thunder Clap in consecutive turns creates an Earthquake effect.

Earthquake. The club’s ultimate power may be unleashed with consecutive Thunder Claps. When Thunder Club is again struck hard against the ground after a Thunder Clap, it creates a seismic disturbance that rips the ground in a 100 foot radius circle. The effect lasts for 2 rounds, during which time creatures on the ground can’t move or attack.

For the duration, an intense tremor rips through the ground in a 100-foot-radius circle centered on that point and shakes creatures and structures in contact with the ground in that area.
The ground in the area becomes difficult terrain.
Each creature on the ground that is concentrating must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
creature’s concentration is broken.
During the Earthquake, at the end of each creature’s turn that is on the ground in the area, they must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked prone.

Fissures. Fissures open throughout the spell’s area at the start of your next turn after you cast the spell. A total of 1d6 such fissures open in locations chosen by the DM. Each is 1d10 × 10 feet deep, 10 feet wide, and extends from one edge of where the Thunder Club was struck to the ground to the opposite side.
A creature standing on a spot where a fissure opens must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall in. A creature that successfully saves moves with the fissure’s edge as it opens. A fissure that opens beneath a structure causes it to automatically collapse (see below).
Structures. The tremor deals 50 bludgeoning damage to any structure in contact with the ground in the area and at the start of each of your turns. If a structure drops to 0 hit points, it collapses and potentially damages nearby creatures. A creature within half the distance of a structure’s height must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage, is knocked prone, and is buried in the rubble, requiring a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check as an action to escape. The DM can adjust the DC higher or lower, depending on the nature of the rubble. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much.

When carried by a humanoid of chaotic alignment, the Thunder Club imparts the abilities of a 7th level Barbarian as long as you are attuned to the item. If a player has less than 7 levels, then the magic item will impart additional levels of this class to raise them to 7th level. If the player is 7th level or higher, then no additional class levels will be gained.


So if you are starting with apprentice level characters (http://tribality.com/2014/10/05/dd-5e-apprentice-character-update/) then these items maybe some cool items to use, especially if they accidentally get taken.  I took a lot of time to put this together, and I will be tweaking it as the days go by.  Let me know what you think.

Have Fun!

– Michael





[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeons_%26_Dragons_%28TV_series%29

[2] http://www.dungeonsdragonscartoon.com/

[3] http://saveordie.info/?p=167

[4] http://stockingthedungeon.blogspot.com/search/label/dnd%20cartoon

[5] http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/